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February 2008 Archive

    1. RPS Interview: Men of War
    2. Mirror's Edge
    3. Battlestations: Pacific At 7 O'Clock!
    4. Battlefield Heroes: The First Look
    5. The Chronicles Of Spellborn
    6. Happy Happy Joy Joy... Wait, Wrong One
    7. Online Troll-playing Game
    1. Hey, Go Work For Introversion!
    2. Iron Lore (RIP)
    3. Getting Touchy Feely - Game Sensations
    4. Clint Mansell Must Be A Very Rich Man
    1. Dead Space Alive In Our Hearts
    2. "Why Am I Doing This?"
    3. Toady: "It was supposed to take two months."
    4. RPS Interview: Frozenbyte's Joel Kinnunen
    5. EA Goes Indie?
    6. Sims Online Is Dead, Long Live "EA-Land"
    7. Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm
    8. Get Lost or get lost?
    9. A Stargate Worlds Interview
    10. Latest Foot-To-Ball News
    1. Showroom Planets
    2. RPS Diktat: Death To Install Music
    3. Audiosurf: Now With More Science
    4. Champions Video To Save The Day!
    5. Dating Agency: Mass Effect & Dead Space
    6. Would You Like To Have Some Phun?
    7. Mark Rein: "Cliff's an idiot!"
    8. GDC '08 Brain Dump, Part Two
    9. Will Wright 'o' Vision
    1. The RPS Verdict: The Club
    2. Going To A Better Place
    3. Prototype: The GDC Presentation
    4. Give Bizarre Your Money
    5. Puzzle Quest: Galactrix
    6. No Need For The Real?
    1. L.A. Times Has A Go At Gaming News
    2. EA to take Take 2?
    3. GDC '08 Brain Dump, Part One
    4. The Sunday Papers
    5. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #18
    6. My Childhood In Gaming Form
    1. Blizzard Rap Knuckles - Everso Gently
    2. "Let's Go Behead Someone"
    3. RPS Omnibus: Feb 17th- 23rd
    1. Dave Jones Discusses APB
    2. Making Of: Stronghold
    3. Dave Perry's Luminary Lunch
    4. Far Cry 2: Death To The Trees
    1. How many drops? 38. Simulated.
    2. The Staring Eyes of Ken Levine
    3. Keeping Up With Ken Levine
    4. I Can't Keep Up With Ken Levine
    5. Instant Action: Hey, Nice Tribes Clone
    6. EA to release a Game of some sorts
    7. Game Developers' Choice Awards Announced
    8. IGF Winners Announced
    1. Sickly Thing
    2. The Soul of The Sims
    3. Making Of: Soren Johnson On Civ 4
    4. Breakfast Of Champions For Two Please
    5. For The Love
    6. Purge With Fire. In a Good Way.
    7. Life On Mars? Yes. Albeit Blue.
    8. American McGee's Grimm Footage
    9. Status Update: Jim at GDC
    10. Fez Footage From GDC
    1. Retro: Dungeon Keeper
    2. Mike Stemmle Joins Telltale
    3. Magic: The Gathering: The Colons: The Future
    4. This One's Going To Run And Run
    5. Korean Times claims Tabula Rasa Blanks Out
    6. Avernum Demo. Yes.
    7. Audiosurf: Rock Ballads Are Cool Again
    1. Something Less Wicked This Way Comes
    2. Overlord Not Over
    3. Barnett: "Gary Penn was my Lester Bangs"
    4. 2008 Life. Love. Game Design Challenge
    5. International Leisure
    1. Amy ov Too
    2. The Sunday Papers
    3. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #17
    1. "Because, uh, but, uh, I wrote a book."
    2. A Mini (Warcraft) Adventure
    3. RPS Omnibus: Feb 9th-16th
    4. The Cultural Significance Of Video Games
    1. To The Brickmobile: New LEGO Batman Screens
    2. Valve Democrat, Activision Republican, EA Split
    3. The Making Of: The Conflict Series
    4. If You Go Down To The Woods Today...
    5. Perry Predicts 70mil User MMO
    6. Lo-Fi Minds
    7. Blizzard: More Money, Please
    8. Today Is Bad Trailer Day
    9. Conflict: Denied Ops But Allowed Boobies
    1. Red Alert: Now With Armoured Bears
    2. EA Confirms Sims 3
    3. Alone In The Dark. Weeping.
    4. Lone Gunmen
    5. Epic Focus On 360
    6. Street Fighter Online
    7. Metro Siberia Underground
    8. In Your Head! In Your Head!
    9. Jetpack Brontosaurus - Yes, We're Serious
    1. Team Fortress 2: Welcome To The Badlands
    2. RPS Exclusive: Warren Spector Interview
    3. Jack Keane Demo (Insert Own "Keen" Pun Here)
    4. Hello Kitty Online Beta
    5. Iron Dukes
    6. Cultural, Environmental Footprint Of A New PC
    7. Here Be Graphs: MMOGChart Updates
    8. Bow Street Runner
    9. In Soviet Russia, Tiberium Harvests You
    10. ShadowGrounds, Unlimited Demo
    11. Water, Water, Everywhere
    1. New Bioshock Game. Ish.
    2. Spore: September 7th 2008
    3. Here Come The Heroes
    4. The Many Deaths Of Lord British
    5. Critical Mass (Effect On PC)
    6. More Speed Need
    7. The PC's Samus? Pyro's Gender To Be Revealed
    8. Radical Redesign: Tim Bennison on Prototype
    9. Ex-Men
    1. Sick Of Healing
    2. Still Alive: Audiosurf on Steam
    3. Robin Hunicke: "Facebook is a game"
    4. Kninja
    5. Retro: Wild Metal Country
    6. Blizzard's Big Paris Event
    7. Barnett: 'The Sort Of Money My Mum Approves Of'
    8. Smash Online Beta
    1. Join Our Club: The Club Demo Released
    2. Spin The Black Circle
    3. Shadowgrounds Survivor Demo
    4. The Sunday Papers
    5. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #16
    1. RPS Omnibus: Feb 3rd-8th
    2. Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
    3. Kane's Wrath: Mechapede Trailer
    1. Rise Up: Andrew Spearin on Insurgency's victory
    2. The Byron Report: Brown Vs. The Gaming Press
    3. Cactus: Sumo & Ninja
    4. Eat All The Pies
    5. Nazis: I hate those guys!
    6. Will Wright Versus The Spacemen
    1. Games For 2008 - Brothers In Arms 3
    2. Viacom Om Nom Nom
    3. Penumbra: Black Plague Demo
    4. Steam: Thanks A Million (Or Fifteen)
    5. Legendary: The Box
    6. Spectromancer!
    7. Warcracked III
    8. "Time For Madness"
    9. Zeno Clash Trailer
    10. StormWinds
    11. Games For 2008: F.E.A.R. 2
    1. Assassin's Creed PC, "Director's Cut"
    2. Duke Really, Really Confirmed For 2008?
    3. RPS Interview: Al Lowe
    4. Red Faction Further Action
    5. The Club, Out This Week
    1. Games for 2008: Guild Wars 2
    2. The Experiment: Demo, Intrigue
    3. I Can't Feel My Legs
    4. How Midcore Are You?
    5. Sins of a Solar Empire Interview
    6. Looking Shifty
    7. Myst Offline II: The Offlinening
    8. Preview Video Bonanza
    9. Battlefield Heroes: It's Like This
    10. Desmond Dekaron and the I-will-fights
    1. X3: The Terran Conflict announced
    2. Games for 2008: Empire: Total War
    3. A Word Is Worth A Thousand Pictures
    4. Dangerous High School Girls In Demos
    5. Commandier & Conquerier
    6. Civilization: The MMO?
    7. Lineage II: Now With More Statues
    8. SpaceForce Captains
    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. Goliath The Soothsayer
    3. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #15
    1. Flotsam: Lost Trailer
    1. Introversion: "The Best Game We Will Ever Make"
    2. Crysis (er) not in crisis, actually
    3. Some People Might Say My Life Is In A Rut
    4. Games For 2008: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky
    5. Against RPG Decadence: Vince D. Weller Interview
    6. Box Unboxed
    7. Games For 2008: Lego Batman / Indiana Jones
    8. Codemasters Sign JumpGate: Evolution
    9. Tabula Rasa: Hybrids