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All Hades 2 Weapon Aspects and how to unlock them

Here are all weapon Aspects in Hades 2 and how to unlock them

Screenshot of the Nocturnal Arms pool in Hades 2.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Supergiant Games

Looking for Hades 2 weapon Aspects? Weapon Aspects are needed to upgrade weapons in Hades 2. There are a few different Aspects to choose from for all five weapons in Hades 2, and they vary in recipe and buffs.

Below we've gathered a list of all Aspects for each weapon, how they rank and also listed how to initially unlock Aspects in your game.

Check out the official Hades 2 reveal trailer here and see what adventures await Melinoe.Watch on YouTube

How to unlock Aspects in Hades 2

You can get Aspects in Hades 2 once you have unlocked all five Nocturnal Arms weapons. Once you have the Moonstone Axe, Sister Blades, Witch's Staff, Umbral Flames and Argent Skull, do a run through Erebus and speak with Hecate to get the Incantation recipe to brew Aspects.

You may need to repeat the run a few times to trigger the dialogue as Hecate's responses seem to randomly rotate. For us, we got the recipe after unlocking all weapons and speaking with her a second time in Erebus.

Hades 2 screenshot of the Aspect Incantation.
You'll recieve the Aspects menu after brewing an Incantation given by Hecate. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Supergiant Games

Once triggered, you'll get the Aspects of Night and Darkness Incantation recipe to summon Aspects. This recipe just requires 5 Bronze and 1 Nightshade.

Now, you can visit the Nocturnal Arms pool opposite the training grounds and you'll have a list of available Aspects to make.

We've noticed that you seem to collect Aspect recipes once you encounter the Reagents needed to brew them. We've listed all the Aspects we've encountered so far below, along with the required ingredients and bonuses they grant.

All Aspects in Hades 2

Screenshot of the Aspect menu in Hades 2.
As of writing, there are three Aspect choices per weapon in Hades 2. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Supergiant Games

All Aspects can be brewed and then ranked up to level 5. With each rank, their unique buff will increase with power.

Below, we've listed the Aspects for each weapon in Hades 2 along with their buff, ingredients and rank. You'll automatically have the first rank of Melinoes's Aspect with each unlocked weapon. To upgrade brewed Aspects, navigate to the heart tab of the Aspect Awakenings menu.

Aspects will usually require the same type of ingredients but larger quantities of them with each rank up. You can earn 3 Stardust for levelling up an Aspect to rank 5 via the Awakened Aspect Prophecy.

Witch's Staff

Aspect Ingredients Buff Rank conditions
Aspect of Circe Silver x5
Lotus x5
After landing 21 Attacks or Specials, gain Serenity (your Omega moves are 15% faster and you rapidly restore Magick). Serenity Duration increases per rank. Rank 1: 6 seconds
Rank 2: 7 seconds
Rank 3: 8 seconds
Rank 4: 9 seconds
Rank 5: 10 seconds
Aspect of Momus Lime x2
Pearl x1
While you have no more than 50% health, absorb your Omega Special blast to restore 5 health. Special power increases per rank. Rank 1: +10
Rank 2: +15
Rank 3: +20
Rank 4: +25
Rank 5: +30
Aspect of Melinoe Silver x2
Psyche x20
You Channel your Omega moves faster. Channel speed increases per rank. Rank 2: +15%
Rank 3: +20%
Rank 4: +25%
Rank 5: +30%

Sister Blades

Aspect Ingredients Buff Rank conditions
Aspect of Artemis Silver x15
Glassrock x1
While you Channel your Omega Attack, you occasionally Parry, then Riposte right after. Omega Attack speed increases per rank. Rank 1: +20%
Rank 2: +30%
Rank 3: +40%
Rank 4: +50%
Rank 5: +60%
Aspect of Pan Wool x1
Shaderot x2
Your Specials seek foes in your Casts and fire more blades after you Channel. Gain additional blades per rank. Rank 1: +1 blade
Rank 2: +2 blades
Rank 3: +3 blades
Rank 4: +4 blades
Rank 5: +5 blades
Aspect of Melinoe Silver x5
Fate Fabric x1
Your Attacks and Specials deal more damage by striking foes from behind. Backstab damage increases per rank. Rank 2: +10%
Rank 3: +20%
Rank 4: +30%
Rank 5: +40%

Moonstone Axe

Aspect Ingredients Buff Rank conditions
Aspect of Charon Pearl x5
Obol Points x1
Your Cast lasts +3 seconds and erupts like your Omega Cast, if struck by your Omega Special. Cleave-cast size and damage increases per rank. Rank 1: +10%
Rank 2: +15%
Rank 3: +20%
Rank 4: +25%
Rank 5: +30%
Aspect of Thanatos Glassrock x3
Dark x1
Whenever you hit with Omega moves, gain +1 critical chance until you take damage. Max critical chance increases per rank. Rank 1: +4%
Rank 2: +8%
Rank 3: +12%
Rank 4: +16%
Rank 5: +20%
Aspect of Melinoe Silver x3
Bronze x1
You recover after using your Attacks and Specials. Recovery speed increases per rank. Rank 2: +10%
Rank 3: +15%
Rank 4: +20%
Rank 5: +25%

Umbral Flames

Aspect Ingredients Buff Rank conditions
Aspect of Moros Bronze x2
Tears x2
Your Attacks linger for 6 seconds and explode in a blast if struck by your Specials. Blast damage increases per rank. Rank 1: +0%
Rank 2: +15%
Rank 3: +30%
Rank 4: +45%
Rank 5: +60%
Aspect of Eos Driftwood x2
Golden Apple x2
Your Attacks grow bigger and stronger over 4 seconds and return whenever you Sprint. Full-grown damage increases per rank. Rank 1: +40%
Rank 2: +50%
Rank 3: +60%
Rank 4: +70%
Rank 5: +80%
Aspect of Melinoe Silver x2
Cinder x2
Flames from your Omega Special burn longer before expiring. Omega Special duration increases per rank. Rank 2: +1 second
Rank 3: +1.5 seconds
Rank 4: +2 seconds
Rank 5: +2.5 seconds

Argent Skull

Aspect Ingredients Buff Rank conditions
Aspect of Medea Iron x4
Nightshade x1
Your Attack stays within reach and explodes in a large area on impact or after 3 seconds. Attack and Special Damage percentage increases per rank. Rank 1: +20%
Rank 2: +30%
Rank 3: +40%
Rank 4: +50%
Rank 5: +60%
Aspect of Persephone Moss x1
Poppy x5
Any damage you deal generates Glory which enhances your Omega Special. Glory makes your Omega Special last up to 5 seconds, firing continually while you have control. Omega damage increases per rank. Rank 1: +10%
Rank 2: +15%
Rank 3: +20%
Rank 4: +25%
Rank 5: +30%
Aspect of Melinoe Lime x1
Ash x5
Your Attacks have more Power for each skull shell fired and not yet retrieved. Power per spent shell increases per rank. Rank 2: +5
Rank 3: +10
Rank 4: +15
Rank 5: +20

That rounds off our guide to weapon Aspects in Hades 2. For more Hades 2 tips and tricks, see our guides to the best Boons, Arcana Cards, and best weapons where we rank which weapon is the best in Hades 2 and offer loadout tips for each one.

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