Dauntless Spotlight
Dauntless and Fae Farm devs lay off 34 people but insist DLC plans and unannounced games unaffected
Phoenix Labs makes another round of job cuts
Dauntless weapons guide - combos, damage types, best weapon in Dauntless
With a poke poke here and a break break there
The Dauntless Reforged update launches tomorrow with overhauled progression
And quite a lot more
Dauntless Feed
Phoenix Labs makes another round of job cuts
The Dauntless Reforged update launches tomorrow with overhauled progression
And quite a lot more
Dauntless weapons guide - combos, damage types, best weapon in Dauntless
With a poke poke here and a break break there
Dauntless crafting guide - how to craft grenades, potions, and pylons
Hey, uhh... Got any Stamina Tonics? Asking for a friend...
Dauntless builds - the best builds for early game and late game
Spend your resources where it really matters
Dauntless Gallery